Social Business opportunities to increase contacts
Nowadays, having the opportunity to increase their contacts, follow them and develop them through Social Business, is one of the key factors of the company’s success. All the companies, even small and medium sized companies, need to broaden their business horizons and look to markets that, until a few years ago, seemed to be unattainable.
Such a change is also reflecting on the loyalty retraining strategies already acquired (not just for the acquisition of new customers) and for the construction of continuous relationships over time: in most cases – especially when Get in touch with geographically distant companies – they must necessarily go through online channels.
According to one of the leading US research and consulting companies (Gartner Inc.), lead-to-customer and customer loyalty through the Social Business Channel will be the turning point. According to estimates, 80% of the next year’s revenue will be realized with 20% of current customers. This is to point out that the “package” of business customers – who will accept and overcome the challenge of Social Business – is going to change as the market is changing, extending extensively from its past to its borders.
Nel Social Business (grazie ai correlati processi di B2B online), secondo uno studio di Forrester (una delle principali aziende americane di ricerche di mercato), si prevede che il ciclo di vita di ogni cliente acquisito sarà molto più duraturo; per questo motivo, sarà cruciale la possibilità di arricchire la gamma dei servizi pre e post vendita che considerino in maniera adeguata processi di comunicazione efficace, di ascolto attivo e coinvolgimento del cliente. Tra i principali strumenti dei citati processi ricordiamo il social community, il forum, la presenza di prezzi trasparenti, prodotti ben identificabili e con dettagli chiari e precisi.